IIMS Journal of Management Science
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Arif Hasan1 and Fayaz Ahmad Nika2

Article Information Volume 6, Issue 2 May-August, 2015

1Mr. Arif Hasan (UGC-MANSRF) is pursuing his Integrated Ph.D. from the Department of Management, Central University of Kashmir. He has qualified UGC NET consecutively two times in June 2013 and December 2014. He can be reached at arifhasan135@gmail.com

2Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Nika is working as an Associate Professor in Management in the Central University of Kashmir. He is Hon’y Head Academics of the Srinagar Chapter of the ICSI. He can be contacted at n_fayaz2004@yahoo.co.in


The purpose of this research was to study preference towards private and national brands in men’s apparel among consumers in Delhi NCR. Marketing of national as well as private brand in men’s apparel is a challenge faced by managers of organised retail. Variables to be investigated include psychographic and demographic characteristics. The current study argues based on the theoretical framework that psychographic and demographic dimensions also have an impact on attitude toward men’s apparel. Delhi-NCR has been selected for the study, since it is likely to represent other metros in India, has cosmopolitan outlook and with higher disposal income. The research design is cross sectional based on the descriptive methodology. The mall intercept survey, structured questionnaire was employed to collect the primary data in Delhi NCR. A total of 460 respondents completed and returned useable questionnaires. Brand preference of men’s wear depended on demographics and psychographics; thus a combination of demographic factors and psychographic factors were useful in determining brand preference. The major implication for the retailer is that they need to develop favourable attitude toward private brands among consumers. They should also fight negative promotion about their private label brands. No significant relationships were found between consumers’ preference for brand (i.e., private and national brands) and demographics; psychographic factors were found positively correlated with brand preferences. Price and quality consciousness were found significant determinant across the most of the variables studied under psychographic factors.


Private brand, National brand, Men’s apparels

JEL Classification: M310


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