1 Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is largely on a volunteer basis and sometimes compulsive, irrespective of the tangible social cost. The present study attempts to explore a corporate social accountability model where environment and cost to society (after adjusting the volunteer/stipulated mitigation measures by the industry and capturing the just expectations of the stakeholders) are balanced by the push and pull forces like a lever. The study has significance in making shareholders, partners, and stakeholders more satisfied than the traditional approach of corporate responsibility. The study explores that the social costs of industrial activities may be much more than what is being charged through mandatory commitment on ethical terms. A policy delineating the lines of ethical commitment and commitment originating from compliance may be more effective and can promote competitiveness among the corporations to minimize social costs without compromising cleaner production and industrial efficiency.
Business accountability, sustainability context, stakeholder inclusiveness, materiality, completeness
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