1 Department of Management Studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha, Haryana, India
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The purpose of the study was to explore consumer behavior (purchase pattern, volume, and frequency), and household expenditure alteration due to the COVID crisis. Furthermore, to study the perpetuity of those changes. Researchers used a mixed-method approach based on qualitative interviews, secondary data, and media analysis, that is, using a qualitative, exploratory research design. Data were collected through Reflective Journal Logs, 34 in-depth interviews, extensive literature review of secondary sources, and netnography. The study was cross-sectional and applied in nature. Researchers divided the respondents based on income to explore the impact of income. Data reduction, analysis, and interpretation were made manually, and the overall method used was narrative qualitative research. Researchers found the consumer’s purchase patterns of products and services in this study. Some new habits were also found towards purchase behavior, expenditures, and savings. Researchers also found the perceptions towards perpetuity of those changes and the impact of income on all those changes. Many researchers conducted studies on this subject, but no significant research from the micro, that is, household perspective, was found. Besides, the factors such as perceptions towards the perpetuity of the changes were missing, especially from the problem’s qualitative aspects. This study will help marketers identify new demands and use them for better customer service, leading to a strengthened relationship with them and profit for the organization.
Consumer behavior, COVID crisis, household expenditure
JEL Classification: D11, D14, M31
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